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Featured in WSJ, NY Post and more

Featured in WSJ, NY Post and more

Flashcards that write themselves

Flashcards that write themselves

Instant AI flashcards and quizzes. Generated from your PDFs, PPTX slides, or Canvas courses

You're in good hands:

You're in good hands:

You're in good hands:

How it works

How it works

How it works

How Eightball AI makes flashcards easy and fast

How Eightball AI makes flashcards easy and fast

Eightball writes interactive flashcards and practice quizzes

Connect your Files

Upload your Files

Upload your files, or connect your Canvas account to auto-import class materials

Generate Flashcards

Generate Flashcards

Eightball writes interactive flashcards and practice quizzes based off your files













Start Learning

Start Learning

Study while Eightball tracks your progress and tailors your learning plan




Instant Generation

Instant Flashcard Generation

Upload your files and Eightball generates interactive flashcards. We support PDF, PPTX, DOCX and more

Upload your files and Eightball generates interactive flashcards. We support PDF, PPTX, DOCX and more

Spaced Repetition

Spaced Repetition

Spaced Repetition

Learn with spaced repetition

Learn with spaced repetition

Study while Eightball AI tracks your progress and tailors your learning plan with spaced repetition. Like Quizlet, but better

Study while Eightball AI tracks your progress and tailors your learning plan with spaced repetition. Like Quizlet, but better

Study while Eightball AI tracks your progress and tailors your learning plan with spaced repetition. Like Quizlet, but better




See exactly where your flashcard comes from

See where your flashcard comes from

See which slides, files, or quotes from your course Eightball used to generate your flashcard

See which slides, files, or quotes from your course Eightball used to generate your flashcard

See which slides, files, or quotes from your course Eightball used to generate your flashcard

Study Groups

Study Groups

Study Groups

Create Study Groups

Create Study Groups

Create study groups to share quizzes, notes and more. Track each others progress inside of Eightball

Create study groups to share quizzes, notes and more. Track each others progress inside of Eightball

Create study groups to share quizzes, notes and more. Track each others progress inside of Eightball

Our Users

Our Users

Our Users

Hear it directly from our users.

Hear it directly from our users.

Students getting better grades, faster with Eightball

Get started now and and revolutionize your learning experience with Eightball

Get started now and and revolutionize your learning experience with Eightball

Everything you need to study. Instantly with AI.

Eightball AI

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Eightball AI

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