Loved by students at 50+ schools

Loved by students at 50+ schools

Loved by students at 50+ schools

Ready for AI trained on your courses?

Ready for AI trained on your courses?

AI-powered Flashcards, Chat, & Practice Exams. 100% trained on your Canvas courses or uploaded files

You're in good hands:

You're in good hands:

You're in good hands:

How it works

How it works

How it works

How Eightball gets you better grades

How Eightball gets you better grades

Eightball AI trains an AI for each of your Canvas courses

Connect your Files

Upload your files, or connect your Canvas account to auto-import class materials

Eightball AI Trains

We train an AI for each of your courses, studying all files, modules and content in Canvas













Start Learning

Chat with AI trained on your course, or study with AI-generated flashcards & more




Chat with AI that knows your course.

Chat with AI that knows your course.

Chat with AI that knows your course.

Unlike ChatGPT, Eightball only answers based on your course material. No hallucinating. Eightball always cites sources from Canvas or your files




Flashcards that write themselves.

Flashcards that write themselves.

Flashcards that write themselves.

Unlimited AI-written flashcards. Just select the files and modules covered for your exam and Eightball handles the rest

Unlimited AI-written flashcards. Just select the files and modules covered for your exam and Eightball handles the rest

Unlimited AI-written flashcards. Just select the files and modules covered for your exam and Eightball handles the rest




Always cites sources from Canvas or your files.

Always cites sources from Canvas or your files.

Always cites sources from Canvas or your files.

See exactly what slides, files, or modules Eightball used to answer your question or write your flashcard

See exactly what slides, files, or modules Eightball used to answer your question or write your flashcard

See exactly what slides, files, or modules Eightball used to answer your question or write your flashcard

Our Users

Our Users

Our Users

Hear it directly from our users.

Hear it directly from our users.

Students getting better grades, faster with Eightball

Get started now and and revolutionize your learning experience with Eightball

Get started now and and revolutionize your learning experience with Eightball

Get started now and and revolutionize your learning experience with Eightball

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